Beachbody Summit 2017

Beachbody needed slides for their biggest business-building and networking opportunity of the year. Coach Summit, a mammoth event consisting of four jam-packed days of training workshops led by top Coaches, included keynote speeches from industry-leading Personal Development experts. The 2017 Coach Summit event was held in the New Orleans Mercedez-Benz Superdome. The customized LED screens reached over 30 feet high and the ribbon screens around the stadium were utilized for the event.

I designed the ribbon displays along with a large portion of the screen displays (including the UK flag background, outer blue screens, and all center screens you see here).

“As we prepared for the event, their attention to detail, creativity, follow up, professionalism, understanding of the business was phenomenal. Their expertise helped sharpen our presentation, bring our points home and deliver exceptional value to our audience.”

-Arnauld Nakaha, Executive Director of Regional Sales, Beachbody